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POLIMAR antologia antologia

In little more than ten years, beginning with an area of  5,000 square meters, the company has grown up to cover a 500,000 square meters cultivated area. Today Antologia is a leader Company in the flower nursery field, and it is known and appreciated both in Italy and abroad. Thanks to avant-garde technologies and to a careful organization, it is capable to produce and market about eight millions plants, for more than 1,000 species. Labour, research and innovation across the years allowed it to specialize in the design and creation of natural environments with plants, flowers, and shrubs typical of the original landscape. This makes the mission of Antologia real day by day:
To be the leader in the field of ground covering plants and native shrubs, to become a reference point for the operators of public parks and gardens.



“My dream is Italy filled with flowers, crossed by tree-lined roads passing through vital and virgin nature.”
Antologia was born starting from this dream of its President, Adelio Gaviraghi.


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